How To Teach A Husky To Come On Command

Something that you’ll often hear people say that getting a husky to come to you when you tell it to is really difficult. But, the truth is that, with proper training, it’s something that can be achieved. This post is going to help you to learn how to teach your husky to come when you tell it to.

There will be 3 stages that you should complete in order. First, you’ll teach it to sit, then to stay and then to come.

To teach it to sit do as follows:

  1. Get some treats that it likes
  2. Get it to sit by having a treat in your hand and then lure it into sitting by gradually raising the treat above its head until it sits naturally.
  3. When it sits reward it with a treat.
  4. Repeat that process until your husky sits as soon as you begin to raise the treat.
  5. Now raise the treat and tell it to sit. If it sits reward it with the treat.
  6. Now get it to sit simply by saying sit. You may have to repeat yourself a few times. Reward it when it sits
  7. Repeat the above until you only need to say sit once.

Then teach it to stay by doing as follows:

  1. Have some treats that it likes
  2. Start by telling it to “sit” and then say “stay” and then wait for only one second.
  3. If it sits reward it with a treat
  4. Repeat the above. Each time increasing the time that you require it to stay before giving it a treat. be careful not to make a large increase in how long you wait between each attempt.
  5. Once it gets good at staying when you tell it to make it more difficult by tempting it to move with a toy or treat that it likes. Start by telling it to stay and then simply put a toy or treat in front of it for just half a second. If it stays give it a reward.
  6. Repeat step 5. Each time you do it increase the time that you leave the toy or treat in front of it.
  7. Once it gets good at staying when the toy or treat isn’t moving make it harder by rolling or squeaking the toy in front of it. When it stays reward it with a treat.
  8. Repeat step 7 until it gets good at it

Related: how to teach your husky the “down” command.

watch the video below to see how it’s done

Now that you can get your husky to sit and stay when you want to you will be able to teach it to come it you on your command.

You can do this by doing the following:

  1. Take your husky to a local park with a long leash, a toy that it likes and some treats that it likes
  2. Start by telling it to sit and stay then wait for just a second then give it a treat.
  3. Repeat the above until you can get it to stay for more than 8 seconds
  4. Now you’re going to tell it to sit and stay by adding distance. Start by telling it to sit and stay then retreat back just a few steps and then reward it for staying. Make sure not to wait before returning to reward it (you’ll do that later)
  5. Repeat the process each time adding a little bit more distance to how far you go back.
  6. Now repeat the process by pausing before you go back to reward it. Start with a short pause and then gradually increase the pause with each attempt.
  7. Now you’ll get it to stay when it’s being distracted by the toy. Start by telling it to sit and stay then just hold the toy out in front of you for half a second. If it stays reward it.
  8. Continue with step 7 each time making it more difficult by squeaking the toy and eventually by throwing the toy.
  9. Now you’ll get it to come to you. Start by telling it to sit and stay and then go back a few steps crouch down and tell it to come to you. You might need to entice it a bit by rolling your fingers or making other gestures.
  10. Continue step 9 each time adding a bit of distance before you tell it to come.

Related: why your husky runs away.

Watch the video below to see how to do it

Why to teach your husky to come

Being able to have your husky come to you when you tell it to is something that can be very useful in a number of situations.

The first reason that it is useful is that it will help you to prevent your husky from getting injured. If your husky were to run out the front door, for example, then being able to get it to return when you tell it to will help you to prevent it from being hit by a car which is most common when dogs run out the front door. Although it should be noted here taking the time to train it not to run away would be even more effective.

Another reason that it will be useful is that it will help you to socialize. If you’re out with friends and  your dog or you’re having friends over and your dog starts trying to jump on them then you’ll be able to get it to stop much more easily. Although being able to get it to stay is preferable but if you can get it to come then you can get it to stay so that’s ok.

You’ll also be able to reduce the amount of stress that your husky will cause you. Being able to call it back when it’s misbehaving will make your life much easier and allow for you to have a better relationship with your husky.

Things to consider

When you’re teaching your husky to come on your command there are some things that you should keep in mind.

Be patient

Getting your husky to come to you when you call it is something that won’t just happen overnight. This is why it’s very important that you take a long-term approach to teaching your husky. It’s also why it’s important that you don’t get frustrated if your husky doesn’t come when you tell it to. If that happens just go through the training steps above again and prevent it from happening again in the future.

Be consistent

It’s also important to remember that, when your husky is coming to you when you call it, you can’t just stop training it after that and expect it to continue to come to you. It’s important that once you have trained your husky to come to you, to regularly continue to train it so that it stays responsive to your command.

Related Questions

How do I get my husky to stay? There are a number of things that you can do to prevent your husky from running away. The first thing that you can do is to take measures to make it harder for your husky to get away you can do things such as using a chain lock on your door, keeping your husky in a more secure room, keeping windows locked, doing crate training and you can raise the height of your fences. The other thing that you can do is to teach it to stay when you open the door and to each it to stay when it’s off the leash. You can read more about how to get your dog to stay here.




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