Why Is My Dog’s Stomach Gurgling but Won’t Eat?

If your dog’s stomach has been gurgling for a while and it still doesn’t want to eat, it could be a sign that your pup is feeling sick. There are several things that can cause this problem, including gastritis, pancreatitis, and intestinal obstruction. In this article, we will discuss the most common causes of gurgling stomachs in dogs with a lack of an appetite and how you can help your pet feel better.

Why Is My Dog’s Stomach Gurgling but Won’t Eat?

You may notice that your dog’s stomach is gurgling more often than usual and it also isn’t very hungry. How big of a problem is this? Well, it depends on a few factors. You will want to assess how long it has been since your pup has eaten and if there are other symptoms alongside the gurgling.

Here are some of the main reasons your pup may be experiencing this:


This is an inflammation of the stomach lining and can be caused by a number of things such as viral infections, bacterial overgrowth, food allergies, or stress. The main symptom is vomiting, but you may also notice that your dog’s appetite has decreased and its stomach feels hard to the touch.


This is an inflammation of the pancreas and is often caused by a high-fat diet. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. The gurgling noise in the stomach may indicate that your dog’s organs and intestines are not functioning properly.

Intestinal Obstruction

This is a blockage in the intestines that can be caused by ingested foreign bodies, tumors, or inflammatory bowel disease. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. You may hear the rumbling in your pup’s stomach because they are trying to pass the item but can’t. Your dog will need immediate medical attention if this is the cause of the gurgling and lack of eating. 


This is a common reason for gurgling stomachs in dogs, especially if your pup has been through a recent move or change in routine. The noise may be caused by excess gas build-up from anxious swallowing. In addition to the gurgling, you may notice that your dog is pacing, panting, and yawning more than usual.

Food Poisoning

If your dog has eaten something that it shouldn’t have, such as garbage or spoiled food, this can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The gurgling may be due to the stomach contents moving around more than usual as your pup tries to digest the toxins.

Ingesting Toxins

If your dog has been exposed to toxins such as antifreeze, pesticides, or cleaning products, this can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. You may also notice that your pup is lethargic and has trouble standing. If you think your dog has ingested a toxin, call your vet immediately.


Certain medications can cause side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. If you have recently started your pup on a new medication, check the label for possible side effects. If you are concerned that the gurgling is due to the medication, call your vet.

Why Is My Dog Not Eating Her Food but Will Eat Treats?

Sometimes, dogs only want to eat something that is special, such as table scraps or treats, but won’t eat their daily dog food. This can be because of a combination of medical and psychological causes.

Usually, psychologically speaking, this means that your dog is stressed. There may have been many changes to its environment including a major move, a new pet or baby, bad weather, a change in feeding or walking schedules, or anything else that may make it anxious. When a dog is stressed, its appetite usually decreases because it’s in “fight or flight” mode and doesn’t have time to eat. However, treats may be so tantalizing that your pup can’t resist them even when it’s not feeling well.

In some cases, the problem could be medical. If your dog has been diagnosed with an illness such as pancreatitis, liver disease, cancer, or any other condition that causes nausea, it may not be able to keep food down. Its stomach may also be sensitive so that even the smell of food is enough to make it gag. Your dog will need serious medical treatment if this is an ongoing issue or one of these underlying causes is creating gurgling symptoms.

Your dog may also simply be having an upset stomach due to eating something it shouldn’t have, such as garbage, spoiled food, or too many table scraps. You will probably need to take a break from feeding your dog treats so that its stomach can settle. Try offering small amounts of dog food more frequently throughout the day instead of one large meal. If your dog still isn’t eating after a day or two, call your vet.

Why Is My Dog’s Stomach Gurgling and Won’t Eat but Will Drink?

It can be frustrating and a little frightening when your dog won’t eat food and is showing signs of stomach distress, but it’s a good sign if your pup will drink water. Water helps to flush out the system and can also help to settle an upset stomach. If your dog is refusing to drink water, this may be a sign of dehydration and you should call your vet immediately.

Dogs can live without water for about two days, assuming they are healthy and not exerting themselves too much. If they aren’t feeling well, it won’t take long for dehydration to set in. The best way to prevent dehydration is to make sure your dog always has access to fresh water and that you offer small amounts of water throughout the day.

What to Do if My Dog’s Stomach Is Growling but Won’t Eat?

If your dog’s stomach is gurgling but won’t eat, the first thing you should do is consult your veterinarian. They will be able to determine if the problem is serious and recommend the best course of treatment. In some cases, such as when stress is the cause, there may not be anything that needs to be done other than provide your pup with some extra TLC.

You may also want to give your dog a break from eating, and they may be inducing a short fast in order to rest their stomach. Your dog can go 1 to 2 days without eating, as long as you are monitoring your pup and providing it with plenty of water.

One good way to get some calories into your dog when it doesn’t want to eat is by feeding it chicken broth. Make sure to choose a low sodium product that doesn’t have any extra seasonings. Onions and garlic can be toxic for dogs, especially when they are already sick.

You can also try to give your pup some exercise. This can help to work up an appetite and also settle an upset stomach. Go for a walk or play fetch in the yard, but don’t overdo it as your pup may not have the energy for a long session.

Finally, massage is a great way to help your dog feel better while bonding with it. You can gently massage your dog’s stomach in a clockwise direction to help with digestion. If your pup doesn’t seem to be enjoying it or it looks painful, stop immediately.

If you are still concerned about your dog’s lack of appetite and stomach gurgling, call your veterinarian for more advice. They may want to see your pup for an examination to rule out any underlying health problems. Blood work may also be recommended to check for dehydration or malnutrition. With the proper treatment, your dog should start to feel better and have a healthy appetite again in no time.




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